What is C Vitamin ?

Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins required for the biological activities in our body to work. Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is water-soluble and unlike other vitamins, it is not stored in the body. Excess is eliminated from the body. It is not a vitamin produced in the human body. We need to obtain Vitamin C from outside through our daily diet. Vitamin C, which must be taken into the body daily through food, is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men.
Much higher doses of Vitamin C than can be taken orally through a vein can be slowly given to the body as an infusion. High doses of Vitamin C can be administered in serum by determining the person’s needs and disease status.

What are the Benefits of High Dose Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and plays an important role in clearing free radicals formed in the body.
It contributes positively to the immune system and helps make the immune system strong.
It has an important place in the formation, protection and renewal of tissues such as bones, skin and vessels.
It helps eliminate iron deficiency by facilitating the absorption of iron mineral from the intestines.
It is necessary for the repair and development of all tissues in the body.
It has an active role in accelerating wound healing
What is High Dose Vitamin C Treatment?

It is a treatment method that healthy individuals can also use due to its strong antioxidant effect, contributions to the protection and renewal of tissues and cells, and its immune system strengthening effects. Apart from this, it is given for support purposes in the treatment of the following diseases. Patients should never give up on their planned treatment for chronic diseases. These diseases;

Supportive treatment in cancer patients
arthritis disease
bacterial infections
Viral infections (including covid infections)
wound healing
Lack of energy in the body and constant fatigue
Frequently recurring prostate gland inflammations
Chronic urinary tract infections
Metabolic syndrome (diabetes, obesity, heart diseases, stroke): All conditions that cause vascular endothelial damage
Treatment of gout
hypertension treatment

Which Foods Contain High Dose Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is abundant in vegetables and fruits. The foods containing the most Vitamin C are as follows;

Red pepper
Green pepper
brussels sprouts

What is Vitamin C Deficiency Disease?

If there is not enough vitamin C, iron absorption is initially impaired and iron deficiency anemia occurs. Scurvy disease occurs in vitamin C deficiency. In scurvy disease; Swelling, bleeding and redness occur in the gums. Unhealthy gums can lead to tooth loss. Complaints of weakness and fatigue gradually increase in patients. With the deterioration of collagen synthesis due to vitamin C deficiency, bruises on the skin, joint pain, delay in wound healing, and deterioration in hair structure occur.

What Happens in Excess Vitamin C?

Taking high doses of Vitamin C orally affects the gastrointestinal system and causes diarrhea. When used intravenously in very high doses and unconsciously, it may affect kidney functions. Although it is rare, it may increase the susceptibility to kidney stone formation. It may temporarily raise blood sugar.

The information on this page varies from person to person.