What is Face Lifting ?

It is a rejuvenation method in which the face lifting device is used to eliminate wrinkles and sagging that occur on the skin due to aging and various external factors. With face lifting, lines in the mustache area, increased fat and sagging in the jowl area, depressions in the cheeks and chin, and wrinkles in the whole face are treated.

What are the Types of Face Lifting?

Face Lifting; It is divided into two: full face lift and liquid face lift.

Full Face Lift

Full face lifting is used in patients experiencing sagging in the face and neck. Sagging;

Alcohol and cigarette use
Unbalanced and malnutrition
It occurs due to external influences such as stress.

Full face lifting procedures are performed on people over the age of 50. Therefore, the patient’s high blood pressure and other health problems are kept under control during the procedure.

Around the eyes
nose lines
lip lines
mid face
It is done by injecting fat into Marionette lines.

Forehead stretching and eyebrow lifting procedures are also performed within the scope of full face lifting.

Liquid Face Lifting

It is a different treatment than a full facelift. In this method, the skin is tightened and tightened without surgery. Hyaluronic acid, a liquid substance, does this.

Before the application, the specialist doctor thoroughly evaluates the patient’s skin, then hyaluronic acid is applied to the determined area. Hyaluronic acid does not cause allergic reactions. Only slight swelling may be observed after the procedure.

3D Face Lifting

People who want a perfect or almost perfect appearance are now much luckier with the developing technology. 3D Laser applications continue to be used increasingly in the field of aesthetics and beauty. 3D Face Lifting offers two or three-dimensional solutions in addition to one-dimensional plastic surgery treatments. 3D face lift application should definitely be performed by specialist physicians. Otherwise, positive results aside, negative effects that are difficult to reverse may occur.

Who Can Apply to Face Lifting?

Signs of aging begin to show their effects starting from the age of 30. Therefore, face lifting can be applied to anyone, male or female, over the age of 30, whose skin begins to sag and lose elasticity.

How is Face Lifting Applied?

Anesthetic cream is applied to clean skin before application. The mixture prepared for face lifting is injected into the skin by the specialist doctor with very small and thin needles.

It is sufficient to allocate 30-40 minutes for its application, including the preparation phase.

How Many Sessions Are Face Lifting Applied?

Facelift application areas are face, neck, décolleté and hands. Although the number of sessions varies depending on the person and the skin’s needs, it is generally 2-4 sessions with an interval of 2 weeks. It can be reapplied after 6-8 months depending on the skin condition.

What Should Be Considered After Face Lifting?

If any medication is used, the specialist must be informed. The application area should not be touched on the day of application. Applications that will strip the skin, such as scrubs and peeling, should not be performed.

How Often Should Face Lifting Be Repeated?

The effect of non-surgical face lifting application can last from 6 months to 2 years. There is no obstacle for us to have face lifting treatments as needed. After obtaining doctor’s approval, filler applications and Vampire Face Lifting application can be applied in combination. Facial features can be made more youthful and accentuated.

The information on this page varies from person to person.