What is Mesotherapy?

The quality of the skin deteriorates over time due to the intense work and life pace and negative environmental factors. The main protein fibers responsible for the elasticity of our skin are collagen fibers. 80% of the collagen fibers in our skin are type I and 20% are type III collagen, and thanks to these fibers, the skin is flexible and smooth. However, people aged 25 and over lose 1.5% of the amount of collagen in their skin every year, and accordingly, the elasticity of the skin, its ability to hold moisture and moisture density decrease. Due to this loss, at the beginning of the 30s, the mimic lines begin to deepen, and then sagging and collapses begin to occur. The breakdown of collagen and elastic fibers is accompanied by a decrease in the body’s own amount of hyaluronic acid.

Mesotherapy, which was first applied in France in 1952, is a method applied using very thin and short needle tips. Facial mesotherapy is an antiaging system that makes your skin look more lively and smooth by injecting vitamins, minerals and hyaluronic acid into the skin (middle layer of the skin). In the treatment of facial mesotherapy, it can be applied by combining substances such as salmon DNA protein, antioxidants, various vitamins, DMAE (Dimethyl Amino Ethanol) and low concentration hyaluronic acid.

When the drugs are taken orally, intravenously or by injection into the muscle, they cannot reach the relevant organ as there may be losses during absorption. In addition, since the drugs given by these routes can reach other organs through the vein, there is a possibility of side effects. Mesotherapy, on the other hand, minimizes undesirable side effects, as it gives medication directly and only with small amounts of microinjections to the problem area.

The number of injections made; It varies depending on the patient, the disease and the anatomy of the area where the injection will be made. In this treatment method, the final result is obtained between 4-6 sessions.

Due to the injections made into the skin during the sessions, redness, bruising and mild edema may occur on the skin immediately after the application. All of these are temporary. However, it is recommended that people do this process at least 3-4 days before important organizations.

After skin cleansing, anesthetic cream is applied to the areas where mesotherapy will be performed and left for 20-30 minutes. Afterwards, the mixtures prepared according to the skin type are injected into the skin through small needles. Combining it with PRP treatment or filling and botox applications increases the quality of the results obtained.

Mesotherapy is not applied to pregnant women, breastfeeding women, those who have an infection in the area to be mesotherapy and those who use blood thinners.

Treatment of 4-6 sessions with an interval of approximately 1-2 weeks is considered a cure. It is recommended to be repeated every 6 months to maintain the vitality and well-being resulting from the treatment.

Mesotherapy; It can be applied to the cheeks, forehead, corners of the eyes, upper lip, chin, neck and décolleté, as well as the back of the hand.


stop hair loss; It is a scientifically proven treatment to strengthen fine hairs and turn them into dark black hairs and to stimulate new hair growth. Although the products applied externally make the hair appear brighter and more vibrant, the hair returns to its former dull and fragile structure the next day. The reason for this is that permanent improvement cannot be achieved because the hair follicle and the hair growth center are not intervened.

Before mesotherapy, patients should wash their hair. After the scalp disinfection, the necessary products are injected with the help of small needles.

Applications such as paint and highlight should be avoided 24 hours before and after the mesotherapy application. Hair should not be washed until after 24 hours.

Mesotherapy is not applied to pregnant women, breastfeeding women, those who have an infection in the area to be treated and those who use blood thinners.

In order to achieve the desired results, an average of 4-5 sessions is required. Hair mesotherapy and PRP treatment can be combined. PRP application increases the quality of the results.

The information on this page varies from person to person.