What is Myers Cocktail?

Myers Cocktail (Energy Serum), also known as intravenous vitamin therapy, is defined as a vitamin therapy used for the treatment of conditions such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, angina, muscle spasm, acute asthma attacks and migraine. It is known as a complementary treatment used to improve general health functions.

The Myers cocktail is an effective treatment for individuals who seek support for medical treatments, work at an intense and stressful pace, or cannot get enough vitamins. The cocktail contains vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the body to function and function healthily. Moreover, this serum provides more effects than oral supplements due to its intravenous administration. The Myers cocktail, which improves the quality of life and promotes well-being, can also be considered as a precaution against many diseases.

How is Myers Cocktail Therapy Done?

Myers vitamin cocktail therapy is a mixture prepared according to the body’s needs. This mixture allows vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to be delivered directly to the body intravenously. The ingredients, bypassing the digestive system and mixing directly into the blood, are very effective in rejuvenating the body. This is because vitamins and minerals administered intravenously are rapidly distributed into cells. Studies show that only 10% to 25% of nutrients taken orally are absorbed, but almost all of the substances administered intravenously reach the cells. The Myers cocktail is given intravenously like an IV and is completed in about an hour. When applied in four sessions over four weeks, results such as increased energy levels and a more active and dynamic mood are observed. As maintenance therapy, the needed therapy may be repeated once a month. People who want to get quick results can have the procedure done every other day, which can be completed within 8 days, depending on their health condition.

What are the Benefits of Myers Cocktail?

Observations show that people who receive regular Myers cocktail therapy have their anxiety disorders under control, blood pressure is regulated, sugar balance is restored and migraine attacks are reduced. The benefits of the Myers cocktail, where each ingredient is meticulously formulated to increase energy and immunity, can offer the body countless benefits. One of the most effective answers to the question of how to relieve anxiety disorder is the Myers cocktail. The most well-known benefits of Myers cocktail are as follows:

Strengthening the immune system
Protection from diseases such as cold and flu
Gaining resistance to fight infections
Relieving fibromyalgia symptoms
Solving digestive problems
Support bone health
Reducing muscle spasms
Contributing to asthma and allergy treatments
Alleviating migraine pain
Correcting hormonal imbalances
Increasing mental focus
Assisting in the treatment and rehabilitation of paralyzed patients
Improving symptoms of depression and anxiety
Fighting against chronic fatigue and insomnia
Adding vitality and vitality to the body
Helping prevent heart failure
Supporting the treatment of cardiovascular diseases
To Whom Can Myers Cocktail Therapy Be Applied?

Myers cocktail therapy can be applied by anyone over the age of 16. However, before receiving therapy, the person’s existing diseases and vitamin and mineral levels should be determined. When the results are examined, the content, amount and frequency of therapy are determined by our specialist doctors. The therapy provides the body with mineral and vitamin support for energy.

How to Increase the Effects of the Myers Cocktail?
Application of therapy for the required duration and frequency: Therapy should be applied in accordance with your doctor’s recommendation.
Healthy diet: In addition to therapy, creating a balanced and healthy eating habit can increase the effect.
Physical activity: Consistent and adequate exercise can help the body stay healthy and strong.
Regular control: Checking the progress of the therapy process in line with your doctor’s directions and recommendations at every stage can increase the effect of the therapy.
Are There Any Side Effects and Harms of the Myers Cocktail?

Side effects of the Myers cocktail have been reported rarely and usually occur due to dosage or individual intolerance. Some people may experience temporary side effects such as nausea, headache, insomnia, facial redness due to the ingredients in the cocktail. However, these side effects are not common and usually disappear in a short time.

Can Myers Cocktail Be Taken as a Tablet?

Myers cocktail can also be taken as a tablet. However, since the absorption rate of the components in this form will be lower, its effect may not be at the serum level. You can resolve all your questions about the use of Myers cocktail by consulting our specialist doctors in our clinics.

The information on this page varies from person to person.