What is Neuraltherapy?

Neural therapy was discovered by two German doctors surnamed Huneke in the 1920s for the treatment of pain and diseases; It is the process of injecting diluted local anesthetic substances into tissues, nerve areas, trigger points, scars and various acupuncture points.

The body of a healthy person automatically works correctly. The body’s ability to work to maintain this order against internal and external changes in the shortest time and by using the least amount of energy is called ‘regulation capacity’. Body regulation is provided automatically by parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves called the vegetative nervous system. The parasympathetic and sympathetic systems often work in opposition to each other. Continuous efforts to maintain regulation; It ensures that all organs, muscles, nerves, connective tissue and skin networks remain away from negative stimuli. The regulation capacity cannot cope with internal and external stimuli and the capacity is exceeded; Symptoms of the disease begin to appear in situations such as stress, physical and mental trauma, medications, vaccines, and nutritional disorders.

In fact, before diseases occur, the body gives an alarm. These situations are generally complaints that modern medicine cannot explain and are evaluated psychologically. The most common of these complaints are; Pain with no known cause, numbness, tinnitus, dizziness, allergies, sweating disorders, intestinal complaints, sleep disorders, constant fatigue, loss of energy, sexual function and immune system disorders, and skin color changes.

A healthy body normally tries to eliminate these dysfunctions. However, when the body is exposed to more harm than good and its self-healing capacity is insufficient, these dysfunctions begin to occur. Afterwards; Chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid diseases, rheumatic and connective tissue diseases develop.

Neural therapy eliminates these problems and prevents chronic diseases by revealing the healing effect that the body must produce on its own but cannot do due to overload. Therefore, neural therapy; It is a regulatory and permanent treatment method that both treats existing complaints and prevents diseases that may occur in the long term. Neural therapy; It is the art of solving the problem radically and permanently.

What is a disturbance field?

Disturbing fields; These are interventions that disrupt the integrity of the body or physical and spiritual traumas that cause problems such as decreased productivity, general malaise, chronic fatigue, impaired immune system, allergies, intestinal problems, and pain of unknown origin in individuals before the disease occurs.

Among the most common disturbance fields; Surgeries, traffic accidents, medications, disruptions in the intestinal flora, dental treatments or impacted teeth, birth, especially cesarean section, abortion, vaccinations, nutritional disorders, tattoos, burns and all situations affecting the body can be shown.

What are the side effects of neural therapy?

Neural therapy, which is a treatment that regulates the body’s autoregulation, is not a drug treatment. Therefore, it has no side effects.

How is neural therapy applied?

In neural therapy, only procaine and lidocaine local anesthetics are used by diluting them with physiological saline at a ratio of 0.004. Therefore, in neural therapy, not the anesthetic effects of these substances are used, but their regulatory effects on the bio-electrical effect on the cell wall. Procain is the most frequently applied and shortest-acting local anesthetic. Procain has an effect duration of 15-20 minutes; It is a natural substance obtained from nettle and bitter almond.

Neural therapy should not be confused with injection treatments applied to the body. In other treatments, medication is administered to the tissue. In neural therapy, needles are mostly administered into the skin, acupuncture areas and spinal cord segments. In neural therapy, diluted local anesthetic material, which has no drug properties, is used.

How many sessions does neural therapy take to work?

Neural therapy is usually applied with an interval of 7-10 days. The number of sessions of treatment will vary depending on the patient. The reason for this is the difference in the severity of the disease and the recovery abilities of the patients. Therefore, neural therapy begins to show its effect between the first and fifth sessions.

In which diseases and conditions is neural therapy applied?

Neural therapy; It is applied for all headaches, especially migraine, fibromyalgia, neck, back and waist pain, neck and lumbar hernias, hip and shoulder pain, nerve compression, lower extremity circulatory disorders and sweating disorders. Patients with facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, shingles, dizziness, tinnitus, restless legs syndrome can also apply for neural therapy treatment. Neural therapy is also very effective in menstrual pain, stress and anxiety disorders, chronic fatigue, sexual dysfunction and sleep disorders.

What are the conditions for neural therapy?

The information on this page varies from person to person.