What is Permanent Hanger ?

Thread face lift procedure has found a wide place today due to the developments in thread technology. The threads used in the non-surgical face lift procedure can be classified under two main headings: moving, that is, dynamic, and immobile, static threads. ‘Polydiaxanone’ threads, known as PDO threads, are in the static threads class. There are very small hairs and protrusions placed around these ropes. With these protrusions, the skin tissue can be positioned in the desired vector. With these threads placed under the skin, sagging skin is removed vectorially. At the same time, as these threads melt, they stimulate collagen synthesis around them. This causes improvement in skin quality and recovery of sagging. However, having static threads causes less resistance to gravity and tissue resistance, and its effects last for an average of 12-18 months. Dynamic threads (Spring Thread), also known as face lift with French strap, consist of a combination of silicone and polyester. These substances provide stretchability to the ropes. Thanks to the cones positioned in the opposite direction around it and its ability to stretch, tissue compatibility is better, therefore the effect duration of the French sling is longer than PDO threads and is on average 2-3 years.

Which Threads Should Be Preferred for Non-Surgical Face Lift Procedures?

For the thread face lift procedure, the patient must first be evaluated and, accordingly, which thread lift method will be preferred should be determined. The cost of the dynamic suspension method is higher than PDO rope suspension methods. However, its permanence and effect are proportionally greater. In some people, threads specific to this deformity should be preferred to correct specific deformities, and this should be decided by your plastic surgeon who is an expert in his field.

How to Perform a Face Lift with a Thread Hanger?

For the face lift procedure, the patient’s pre-operative planning must be clarified with drawings. Because the local anesthesia injection for the procedure may change the vision required to ensure symmetry. After the drawing, local anesthetic is applied to the entry areas of the threads and numbness is achieved in this area. Since numbness is provided before the rope suspension, the procedure is comfortable and the patient does not feel pain. The area to be treated is made sterile. After the threads are placed in the planned areas, the patient is seated, the sagging is removed and the skin is brought to the desired position and the thread face lift procedure is completed. Afterwards, the remaining thread ends are cut and the thread axis application is completed.

What Should Be Considered Before Rope Hanging?

Before the rope suspension procedure, the current disease is questioned. It is not recommended to perform the procedure if there is a history of a disease that causes bleeding-coagulation disorders. If there is use of blood thinners, a break should be taken at least 5 days in advance. People who consume intense herbal tea are asked to take a break for 1 week. In case of pregnancy, it is not appropriate to perform the procedure during pregnancy due to the use of local anesthetic substances.

What are the things to consider after thread face lift?

Cold ice application is recommended due to the possibility of bruising after a thread face lift. There is no need to use antibiotics. Pain may occur for the first 1-2 days after thread facelift and the use of painkillers is recommended during this period. Especially during the recovery process after the French sling, the first 3 weeks are called the unhappiness period. During this period, irregularities on the skin surface such as shrinkage and dimples may be observed. However, all these fluctuations are temporary. Massage should definitely not be done during this 3-week period after thread suspension. Foods such as apples and pears should not be consumed by biting, and jaw movements should be restricted during this period. Patients are asked not to lie on the treated area. Some facial corsets are even recommended to be used at night.

When Does Thread Face Lift Show Its Effect?

There will be a significant recovery effect on the skin after face lift with thread lift. Shrinkage and dimples disappear within 2-3 weeks on average. The maximum effect is observed in the 3rd month after stimulation of collagen synthesis and complete fusion of the threads with the skin.

How Permanent Is Thread Face Lift?

The permanence of the thread lift face lift procedure is related to the thread used and the person’s skin type and life habits. The return of the effect after rope suspension methods will be rapid on heavy faces, so rope suspension methods are not recommended for these people. It is possible to achieve an effect of up to 5 years for people with normal skin structure and minimal sagging, depending on the thread material used.

The information on this page varies from person to person.